
Information About Med Spa Services


Laser Skin Tightening

Laser skin tightening at our Johnson City, TN or Abingdon, VA office smoothes and tightens skin and reduces fine lines and wrinkles.

Laser Acne Treatment

For those who are dealing with severe or frequent acne, think about acne therapy to treat the active infection and heal your complexion.


Melasma causes areas of darkness and is typically found on the face. Our team can help you in developing a treatment process.

Scar Revision

If you feel unhappy about the appearance of an obvious scar, we provide laser scar revision and microneedling in Johnson City, TN.

Laser Vein Removal

If you have unsightly enlarged veins or spider veins, laser vein treatment in Johnson City, TN or Abingdon, VA might be the treatment you seek.


Reduce unsightly spider veins and varicose veins for healthier, softer skin with an efficient sclerotherapy treatment.

Stretch Mark Reduction

Stretch mark reduction treatment can effectively reduce the appearance of stretch marks, increase collagen production, and reveal smoother skin.

Laser Pigmentation Treatment

Skin discoloration or hyperpigmentation is a common aesthetic condition for both men and women from sun damage, aging, and hormonal imbalances.

Cellulite Reduction

Cellulite reduction offers a minimally invasive way to reduce the bumpy, cottage cheese-like texture that occurs on the thighs, belly, or buttocks.

Laser Hair Removal

Stop shaving, waxing, and plucking and get smoother, softer skin through laser hair removal in Johnson City, TN or Abingdon, VA.
*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.